§ 27A-405. Townhouse/Small Apartment Building Envelope Standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent and Illustrations.


    The Small Apartment frontage is a less intensive neighborhood building Block-typically 3 to 4 stories with regular entrances every fifty to seventy-five (50-75) feet along the Build-to Line. It is predominantly residential in character. Although a significant percentage of the building Façade will sit at the Build-to Line, the entire Block frontage/Street Wall may be more irregular, with projecting bays, balconies, or similar arrangements.


    The Small Apartment standard is commonly used to transition between the more intense core of an Urban Center and adjacent residential neighborhoods.


    Townhouse/Small Apartment Height and Siting

    FIGURE 11




    Building Height. Each building shall be:

    UC-1: 2 stories minimum, 4 stories and sixty-five (65) feet maximum.

    UC-2: 2 stories minimum, 4 stories and sixty (60) feet maximum.

    UC-3: 2 stories minimum, 3 stories and forty-seven (47) feet maximum.

    UC-4: 2 stories minimum, 3 stories and forty-seven (47) feet maximum.


    A side wing or ancillary structure shall be no higher than eighteen (18) feet, measured to its eaves or parapet.


    Ground Story Height


    The average finished floor elevation shall be no less than three (3) feet and no more than eight (8) feet above the exterior sidewalk elevation at the Build-to Line (BTL).


    The Ground Story shall have an interior clear height (floor to ceiling) of at least nine (9) feet.


    The maximum Ground Story floor to ceiling height is sixteen (16) feet.


    Upper Story Height


    The maximum clear height (floor to ceiling) for stories other than the Ground Story is twelve (12) feet.


    Each upper Story shall have an interior clear height (floor to ceiling) of at least nine (9) feet.


    Street Wall Height. A Street Wall between four (4) and eight (8) feet in height shall be required along any Build-to Line (BTL) frontage that is not otherwise occupied by a building on the lot.



    FIGURE 12


    Street Façade


    On each lot the building Façade shall be built to the Build-to Line (BTL) for at least seventy percent (70%) of the Build-to Line (BTL) length, regardless of BES.


    For buildings with Front Porches the Dooryard/Clear Walkway line shall serve as the Build-to Line (BTL) and the Front Porch shall be built-to the Dooryard line. For this situation only, the Façade will sit behind the Build-to Line (BTL), as determined by the required Front Porch depth.


    The building Façade shall be built to the Build-to Line (BTL) within twenty (20) feet of a Block Corner.


    Buildable Area. A contiguous Private Open Area equal to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total Buildable Area shall be preserved on every lot. Such contiguous open area may be located anywhere behind the parking setback, at grade.


    Garage and Parking


    Curb cuts or driveways shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet away from any Block Corner, curb cut, or another garage entry on the same Block face. These requirements are not applicable along Alleys.


    Garage doors/entries shall not be permitted on the Build-to Line (BTL)/Façade.


    Frontage Widths


    The minimum lot width is eighteen (18) feet, the minimum depth is eighty (80) feet.


    Although there are no individual side lot setbacks, no building Façade may exceed one hundred twenty (120) feet of continuous building frontage. A gap of ten (10) feet to twenty (20) feet is required between each such structure.


    Townhouse/Small Apartment Elements and Use

    FIGURE 13






    Blank lengths of wall exceeding fifteen (15) linear feet are prohibited on all Build-to Lines (BTL).


    Ground Story Façade Fenestration shall comprise between thirty percent (30%) and seventy percent (70%) of the Façade.


    Upper Story Façade Fenestration shall comprise between twenty percent (20%) and sixty percent (60%) of the Façade.


    No Ground Story window may face or direct views toward a Common Lot Line within twenty (20) feet unless:


    That view is contained within the lot (e.g. by a Privacy Fence/Garden Wall), or


    The sill for any window on the Ground Story is at least six (6) feet above the finished floor level.


    Building Projections


    Each lot or Ground Story unit shall include:


    A stoop of not more than five (5) feet deep and six (6) feet wide (not including steps), or


    A Front Porch, between eight (8) feet and ten (10) feet deep with a width not less than twelve (12) feet, at the Dooryard/Clear Walkway line.


    Doors/Entries. Each Build-to Line (BTL)/Façade Ground Story unit shall provide a functioning entry door with direct Street access.


    Street Walls


    One vehicle entry gate no wider than eighteen (18) feet and one (1) pedestrian entry gate no wider than five (5) feet shall be permitted within any required Street Wall, to a maximum of one (1) vehicle entry gate per one hundred twenty (120) feet of frontage per Block face.


    A Privacy Fence may be constructed along any Common Lot Line or Alley, behind the Build-to Line (BTL) Façade.

    FIGURE 14




    Ground Story. The Ground Story may only house residential uses.


    Upper Stories


    The upper stories may only house residential uses.


    Additional habitable space is permitted within the roof where the roof is configured as an attic Story.


    Accessory Unit


    One Accessory Unit is permitted per lot.


    The maximum footprint for an Accessory Unit building shall not exceed six-hundred fifty (650) square feet.


    Parking and Accessory Unit uses are permitted in the Buildable Area at the rear of the lot.


    Specific Use Requirements. See Section 27A-802 for specific use requirements.
